My heart is full - how lucky am I?!
Dear friends,
I hope you’ve been taking good care of yourselves. Oh, what a wild month it’s been! Amidst the ever expanding craziness in the world, I'm fortunate to say my heart is full. On Oct 6th, we celebrated the release of "Becoming Marlene Dietrich" in the company of many dear friends, family and supporters who took part in the celebration from near and afar. Perhaps you were part of the festivities?! As you can see from these photos taken by the wonderful irina island images, the room was filled with love and support. Together, you've helped me face the stage despite being vocally impaired, share Marlene's epic story with the world, and express my love & passion for performing. I can't adequately express my unending gratitude.

Making a CD is a labor of love that comes from an entire village. This project wouldn’t have seen the light of day without Elias Bailey, who helped put its wheels into motion by supporting me with advice, guidance and love every step of the way. Thank you from the bottom of my heart! I also wish to thank my amazing band and engineering team who have lent their talent and creative input for the project, particularly Hyuna Park, my fabulous MD and Amadis Dunkel, recording and engineering wizard, who both have worked tirelessly under incredibly tight deadlines to make this happen. A huge thanks to my wonderful IndieGogo supporters who generously contributed to my campaign and made this album financially feasible, and lastly, everyone who has participated in its fruition. Un grand merci! <3

On a more personal note, I’m also incredibly thankful for all the travels with my family I was able to take part in over the last few months, including a memorable visit with of my hometown in Charlevoix, an epic discovery of Barcelona and Paris, as well as some very welcome & resourceful camping escapades in nature. My little niece has just turned one year old this week, and it’s the most wonderful thing to watch her growing and discovering the world through her innocent and hopeful eyes… And suddenly, the stance Madonna took during her recent concert regarding the horrific worldwide events taking place these days really hits home. Paraphrasing quotes from James Baldwin and Maya Angelou, the icon interrupted her show with a real talk: “The children of the world belong to all of us, each and every one of them. I don’t care where they’re from, what their headdress is, what the color of their skin is, what their religion is. The children belong to us. And we are responsible for them.” And then she continued with: “We have to remember we are human beings here. We cannot lose our humanity. Our hearts can be broken, but our spirit cannot. No one can break our spirit. And you might look at what’s going on in the world and say, ‘What the f***?’ What can I do? I’m just one person. I’m helpless.’ No, you are not. Each and every one of you has the power and ability to turn light on in the world.”
I’m looking at my niece and thinking: I want to be a better person. I need to be a better person for her. For all the children currently growing up in this messed up world. We all must do our part. It’s through togetherness that we can make a difference. Thank you Madonna for using your platform to remind us all of the power of “we” and for delivering a poignant intervention the world needs to hear and again, showing the world what a fierce woman you are.
In closing, I wish you all a wonderful Fall Season. Please take good care of yourselves, and of your loved ones and neighbors. Life is so precious! Don’t forget to take some time to step outside and enjoy the beauty of the turning leaves and the smell and the feel of autumn’s return.
One last request I may ask if you feel inclined… Please start spreading the news: "Becoming Marlene Dietrich" is now available on all platforms! Visit our Bandcamp Store today! My IndieGogo supporters will soon receive their IndieGogo perk in the mail (End of November), but in the meantime, I invite you all to read this wonderful review of the CD release party HERE! A bientôt j’espère Xx