Oh, what a night!
Hello friends!
First of all: I’d like to thank everyone who attended the premiere of “Becoming Marlene Dietrich” at Birdland Theater on April 13th! The room was packed, and the energy was palpable! The show went very well (huge sigh of relief!) So much so that it actually took me some time to fully “recover” from it all. Performing a new show for the first time is always such a high to come down from and when you do, sometimes it takes a while to get back up…
I had forgotten how much work goes into such a venture. Particularly one that involves a character as fascinating as the great Marlene Dietrich, you want to do her justice! The research phase is massive. Then comes the song selections, the musical arrangements to develop (which I was fortunate to have the formidable Hyuna Park help me with), the songs to learn and practice, the patter to write, to memorize and practice, the show to advertise, promote and invite people to, the venue to coordinate with, the band rehearsals, the costume selection and changes to practice… I could go on! Thankfully I had some tremendous help, without whom none of this would have been possible. Truly! Although there have been several little angels who’ve contributed, from near and far, to making this happen as gloriously as it did, I wish to recognize THE person who believed in me from the get go, who encouraged me to write this show and who lent support and guidance every step of the way. My eternal gratitude goes to the one and only: Elias Bailey, also known as “Big Note Bailey”! (There’s a reason for that, as you might have heard!) It has been an intense process, on an ever changing emotional roller-coaster ride, but the reward was worth all of its efforts, for the both of us (I hope!)
Moments before showtime, as I was setting my costumes in strategic places to allocate for 3 quick costume changes, I felt calm. We had rehearsed the show well and I had received the news the room was sold out. Amidst the chaos it all led to the moment we had worked so hard for…my name was announced; I stepped onto the stage and it felt like a dream. My band was fantastic; they really had my back through the entire show and it truly allowed me to take off and be in the moment, which I find so freeing when performing. Thus, I could concentrate on connecting with the audience, and delivering the songs in a manner in which I was hoping to do justice to the Great Dietrich. With some “hard-core” fans of hers being in the house, I have to say that the pressure was on, but thankfully the energy was buoyant, warm and welcoming. It was a wonderful night, filled with music, storytelling and love for a Great Lady who continues to influence and inspire so many!

Did I say I love performing?! I was recently asked if I could ever let this part of my life go. I answered flat out “NO!” and went on about my day. The question lingered in my mind though, as this thought is one that artists often ponder, especially during difficult times. I tried to imagine a life stripped from any kind of artistic performance and frankly, it wouldn’t be me. Performing is so deeply connected to the core of who I am that this fire will always burn inside me. No matter in what capacity the performance actually takes form (and it has already shifted many times along the way), it will be a part of my life forever. And receiving responses like the ones following our show on April 13th is truly what keeps the flame alive!
In conclusion, I am truly excited for what’s next in regards to this Marlene Dietrich show, in tribute to an icon that genuinely resonates with me, along with countless others. In the hopes of sharing it with as many fans throughout the country, I’d really appreciate it if you'd let me know of any venues you think this show would do well. Who knows, perhaps we’ll stop in your hometown and say hello soon! In the meantime, I would also like to invite you to check out and endorse our CD recording’s IndieGogo campaign, which in turn will help make all of this possible! Thank you again for your love and support. It really takes a village and I’m so thankful to have you be a part of it. I look forward to serenading you in person hopefully in the near future! A bientôt Xx